Listen on Apple Podcast:
Stormy Barbara: Surviving the storm podcast
In this episode, you'll learn:
One Doctors journey from conventional medicine to holistic healthcare (& the crisis behind that catalytic moment) the power of nutrition and supplementation what you can do to participate in your own well being (introducing preventative practices for maintaining optimal health) how medicine and food are typically viewed as two separate entities (& why it serves to look at/treat the body as a whole) tips on taking off your blinders when you're trapped in a certain profit-driven belief-system tools for modifying your lifestyle to promote wellness and minimize chronic illness a little bit about Dr. Blanche's Prevention Partnership Program why stress is the reason why we get sick the benefit to thermography how having your family on board can improve your chances of overall success (and what to do if you don't have it!) the science behind sex being detrimental to your health (& why you should be having more of it!) the benefits to knowing your food sensitivities and intolerances all about leaky gut (& what you can do to repair your microbiome) getting comfortable being a conscious consumer prevention vs. reaction the power of sauna a peek into the mess of MTHFR (a genetic mutation that delays the detoxification process) the truth behind folic acid how to navigate your way around false marketing claims where to start if you have fears around the cost of being healthy
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