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Online Publications

Online Publications

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As Seen On

As Seen On
News 12  Cleanse Oct 18

News 12 Cleanse Oct 18

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Thermography on News 12- Long Island Naturally

Thermography on News 12- Long Island Naturally

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What People with Rheumatoid Arthritis Can Do About the ‘Unrelenting’ Effects of Fatigue

This assessment was based on the findings of various studies that state a correlation between RA and fatigue, and the impact that fatigue has on a person’s functioning and quality of life.

“RA and all autoimmune diseases can lead to fatigue,” said Kristine Blanche, PhD, PA-C, the chief executive officer of the Integrative Healing Center in New York...


Why I’ll Never Go Back to Tampons

And since accessibility to feminine hygiene products is limited depending on where you are in the world, I purchased a menstrual silicone cup to save space on the tampons I usually used. As Kristine Blanche, RPA-C, Ph.D., owner of Integrative Healing Center explains, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) doesn’t regulate the ingredients in feminine hygiene products, unless they are made from organic materials...

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 Thermography... A reliable substitute for mammography? Part 1 of 2


Discussion  with Dr. Ronald Hoffman- one of the countries pioneers of Alternative and Integrative medicine about this non-invasive technology.

Thermography Part 2 of 2

The discussion with Dr.Hoffman continues about Thermography and its benefits.

Natural Immune Support Part 1 of 2

Dr. Kristine Blanche discusses the ways AHCC boosts immune function, in conditions ranging from viruses to cancer, and age-related immune decline.

Natural Immune Support Part 2 of 2

Part 2 of 2. Dr. Ronald Hoffman is recognized as one of America’s foremost complementary medicine practitioners. He was founder and Medical Director of the Hoffman Center in New York City, and now maintains a private practice there. He is also author of numerous books and articles for the public and for health professionals, and is host of the popular nationally-syndicated radio program Intelligent Medicine, and the Internet podcast of the same name.

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Are Toxins Causing You to Gain Weight?

Dr.Blanche sits down with the incredible Erica Ziel to answer these questions, and delve deeper into how we can get our bodies optimized in a toxic world.



Dr.Blanches helps empower women into action; naturally preventing breast cancer.

Wood Boards


Kristine Blanche,PA, PhD

Virtual Practice

Palm Beach Gardens, Florida


Thermography Locations:


Salons by JC

1260 Old Country Rd. Suite 15

Westbury NY 11590


The Village Midwife 

Amanda Sini CNM, PLLC

444 Deer Park Ave 

Babylon NY 11702



Tel: 516.676.0200


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